Awakening as play


Enki’s life is dedicated to a vision of personal transformation and spiritual growth that embraces the entirety of human experience–from the darkest to the most sublime–with tenderness and play. He holds temple space for groups and individuals where everything from the rawest emotional process to the heights of ecstatic pleasure are welcomed and celebrated as access points to the divine. His work is informed by many lineages: from Zen to the Sufi mystics; Taoism to esoteric Tibetan Buddhism

explore my Writting

Courting the divine through connection

Group Temple Space

Combine group intention and goalless presence. Plan made, and burned, we set out into the unknown, guided by mystery. Our rawest humanity celebrated; we shed our masks. Our eros welcomed, we come alive. This dance of emergent divinity catalyzes ecstasy and catharsis.Worship as revelry. Divinity in matter.God is right here; come home.

“That was gorgeous. So full of heart power and appreciation. I felt such belonging and familiarity, like I was coming home”“Such a beautiful, heart-opening space - I felt deeply moved. Thank you for the yummy experience”“(it) was such a powerful and important experience for me that is even informing the way I physically use my fingers to type this message”“it felt almost life saving to give and receive touch that felt so nourishing. A light that’s been dim feels like it’s glowing brightly inside of me today”

by invitation only

Eros Embodied

1:1 Erotic Transformation

For so many of us, our eros and sexuality have been tied up in pleasing and performance. Imagine a space where you are invited to just slip into the delicious emergence of what is already inside you. Where there is nowhere to go. Where nothing has to be forced. Where there is no wrong way.This is your birthright.Reclaim a deep sense of safety in your erotic body.
Break out of habitual patterns that no longer serve you.
Find ease and pleasure with challenging elements of your sexuality.
Experience the bliss of deep attunement and devotion.

Inside our 1:1 container you are deeply, unconditionally loved, exactly as you are in this moment. This is the vessel for alchemy: the transmutation of the parts of you that you might avoid into sources of power and aliveness. Within the space of this love, I hold you in deep attunement–intuitively dancing with your experience, checking in, and inviting reflection.Beginning with a clarified intention or area of exploration, we will align together on a session structure. From there, we’ll move intuitively, allowing the mystery to unfold us into catharsis, ecstasy, and everything in between. Every session is unique, and reflects your particular intention, needs, and boundaries. Sessions run 90-120 mins and take place at a private residence in Berkeley, unless otherwise negotiated to suit your needs.

“My work with Enki has led to one of the deepest transformations of my life, without exaggeration. The combination of his intentionality, integrity, loving presence, and playfulness created a container that allowed me to go deep, wide and through.”“I feel like I’ve grown exponentially in only 3 sessions and plan to continue our work— I’m discovering new things about my sexuality and breaking decades-long patterns.”“(Enki) held me with impeccable attunement, clearly felt non-judgement, and I left with more confidence that I had just tapped a geyser of life force energy that ended up propelling me into a new level of trust in myself.”

Sex. Money. Power.


Sex & Relationship

"How you are in bed, is how you are with God"
I am interested in relationship as a catalyst for spiritual evolution. Let me support you in using the mirrors of relationship to come into deeper contact with the divine. And as we heal, and come into greater wholeness, so to do the relationships that find us.


Like romantic love & sex, money can be an express elevator down to our deepest wounds. I combine my space-holding capacity with a M.A. in business economics, and experience at the world's top business consulting firm. Let's untangle your finances, and discover the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in place.

"Working with Enki allowed me to deeply change my relationship to money, to one with less fear and a renewed understanding. I lovingly recommend his guidance to those seeking unique clarity and practical skills related to financial well-being. Enki truly is love, in all spheres of life"